Press Release

1) Solution to California State bill AB5!

The ultimate solution for California State bill AB5 is ETRUUX, and our customers see the value.

This bill is also known as the “gig worker bill", which restricts companies from classifying workers as independent contractors rather than employees. This is wreaking havoc on small and large enterprises. Our solution gives the freedom and assurance to continue business without the worry as normal as usual.

2) 20 owner operators in the first hour!!!

It took less than one hour since we had our website opened for operation and we had 20 owner operators sign-up and their livelihoods, freedom, and profits were assured.

We were not surprised as we felt the need and the pressure, or such a solution and we are proud to offer this to any owner operator, trucking company or an individual driver seeking for employment.ETRUUX LLC gave them reassurance to keep what they had. For them life as they know it continues pace.

3) ETRUUX Addresses Tentative Solution for Shippers and Trucking Companies in Response to California’s State Bill AB5